Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Meet The Staff: Kourtney

Happy 2nd day of school! Hopefully waking up before noon today wasn't too terrible. It is time to finally get back into the groove of things. Today I'd like to take the time to introduce you to one last person. Kourtney is another one of our fabulous sales associates!

As I have mentioned before, Alibi Boutique has 3 new ladies working in the store. With all of their previous retail experience, positive attitudes and love for fashion I think it is safe to say we've got a dream team on our hands. Don't let the unfamiliar faces scare you away! These girls are here to help you look and feel fabulous. Get to know them next time you are in, you'll be glad you did :)

Meet Kourtney! She is a junior at Texas State University and is majoring in Public Relations and Mass Communications. Go Bobcats! She is a member of the Chi Omega sorority and is like the coolest person ever. She is soo easy to talk to and joke around with. After working with Kourtney a few times I knew that she was going to make an amazing sales associate! 

A little more about Kourtney...

Favorite Colors: I like any and all shades of blue!

Favorite Designer: My favorite designer would have to be Lauren Conrad partially because I'm obsessed with her style and because I'm obsessed with her in general! (Is that weird? lol) Whether she is dressed casual or all dolled up for a special event she is always looking #flawless.

How would you describe your style? Honestly I feel like my style has multiple alter egos! My style is always changing. Some days I wake up feeling edgy and others I feel super girlie and will go all out in floral patterned skirts and flowy dresses. Lately, I've been finding myself really into the classic look. You'll find me wearing solid colored tops or stripes :)

If you could swap closets with 1 celebrity who would it be? I think if I could swap closets with any celeb it would have to be Taylor Swift. She is always looking super cute and classy no matter where she is headed!

What's your dream job? My dream job would be something like what Courtney Kerr does! She's a professional blogger from Dallas who gets sent FREE clothes from designers. In other words, she gets paid to post pics of her super cute outfits in hopes that people will follow the links and buy the products for themselves. I'm also convinced that since we have the same name, it is a sign that it's meant to be. I can see it now... Kourtney Kerr amazing and fantastic fashion blogger :) I like the sound of that!

What's your favorite part about working at Alibi Boutique? My favorite part would have to be the atmosphere! It didn't take long for Alibi to feel like home for me. The fact that as employees we are able to develop such close and trusting relationships with our customers is pretty rare. Having customers come back and ask you for help has been something I have definitely enjoyed so far!

What's on the top of your Alibi wish list? With fall on the horizon my Alibi wish list keeps getting longer and longer (sorry bank account). Being at the store all the time makes it really hard to save my money, because all I want to do is spend it! My next Alibi purchase will most likely be our new jean jacket since it is perfect for fall. However, at the same time our Lovely Bird hats seem to call out my name every time I walk past them in the store. So they are a VERY close second on my wish list :)

Have you been in Alibi Boutique lately? We've got lots of great fall fashions out on the floor right now that you should definitely come and check out. Alibi also is having an AMAZING sale on TOMS right now that you don't want to miss out on ;) Open until 6PM today!

Have you met Kourtney yet??

XOXO Alibi