Thursday, January 23, 2014

Meet The Grecians

Why hello there ladies! How are things?? Hopefully you have checked out our Alibi Closet Consulting page by now, but if not I highly recommend that you do! Quick Kendra Scott update before I forget...the spring collection has shipped so it should be in store today or tomorrow. I know it has taken forever, we are all just as impatient as you :) I can tell you from the pictures I have seen so far this is going to be a great collection. Any who, today I would like to introduce you to the Grecians at Alibi Boutique. Don't worry they won't bite!

I must say this was a very hard interview to do. Most of the time when you ask people to tell you about themselves they can talk for ages. There was definitely some stone cold silence going on during this interview process. It also was pretty one sided...meaning I asked some questions and used my imagination to fill in the blanks haha Enjoy!!

Meet Alexandra.
She absolutely LOVES our Natural Life throw pillows! She hasn't stopped staring at them since she got here. She enjoys all the bright colors found in Alibi Boutique and is happy to be part of the decoration staff. Like most girls she is a fan of jewelry and isn't afraid to wear a necklace or two. Her name means defender and helper of mankind. She takes her job very seriously. She plans on doing everything in her power to help you find that perfect outfit or fabulous new decor piece for your home. (HINT HINT)

Meet Alik.
He is definitely a ladies man. He insisted he be in the front of the store so that he would be one of the first things people see when they come in. I personally think he might be related to Narcissus. The great thing is he doesn't argue with you. We put a lovely Full of Grace necklace on him a few days ago and hasn't said a word... or maybe he is giving us the silent treatment. Either way he looks flawless and his skin tone is to die for!

These fabulous Grecians are from Revelation Decor and would be a great piece for any fun and fabulous home! They are $174 each and I myself have fallen in love with them. So what are you waiting for?? Stop by and take one of the Grecians home today! I don't think they will argue with you :)

Which Grecian do you like best??

XOXO Alibi